Wednesday, April 23, 2014

To My 7th Graders

I know we've been working hard lately in preparation for the test.  Now that the test is behind us, we will go back to normal schedule.  This does not let you off the hook for math class.  We do have new things to learn and we will cover new topics.  These will be previews of math you will be expected to be better at next year.  Unfortunately, the State standards we've been trying to meet are changing, and requiring yet more of you, so next year will be somewhat difficult.  If you were ok this year, you should be ok next year, too.

We will be covering some more detailed volume ideas, something called surface area, and we will graph lines. If we have time, we may briefly touch on Pythagorean Theorem.  We will also discuss math's role in your everyday lives, (or perhaps the lives of your parents), with regards to taxes, commission sales, leaving tips, shipping, and mark-up/discount.  We will also calculate interest and learn a bit more about why interest can be really bad, as well as really good.

So keep heading onward!

Advance To Algebra

For my 8th Graders, we will explore what skills we need to be successful in 9th grade algebra class.  Algebra has been called the gateway to 21st century jobs.  By starting early, we have the ability to preview content to identify areas of difficulty, relate our current understanding to what skills we will need in the upcoming class, and be aware of what skills we need to retain or brush up on during the summer.  My blog will be active during the summer and will be a great place to practice your math skills.  I will try to have some extra games to bridge the gap between 8th grade and 9th grade.  You can already play Shuttle Mission, Save the Zogs, and Save Our Dumb Planet.  Mastering these three games will help a great deal when dealing with linear functions.

We will also be working in Pre-Algebra Demystified.  We should be starting to reach a point in that book that we have yet to cover, so new information will be good.

Also, we will be using this website as a tentative guide for what we will be studying.

To those of you who think school is "done" now that your tests are complete, I want to ask you a simple question.  Do you want to have a whole year extra of math just because you don't want to work now?

If yes, just please try not to disturb the people who answered no.

Friday, April 11, 2014